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How the Zodiac Signs show their Love

Each zodiac sign has its own way of showing love, and that method can be different and unique. There are various ways to show your affection.

  • Give your full attention. Don’t multi-task when communicating.
  • Anticipate their needs. This shows how valuable your partner is for you.
  • Know their language. what do they like acts of kindness, physical touch, gifts, or acts of service?
  • Let them know you’re listening. Communication is a key factor in the satisfaction of a relationship, be their with them.
  • Give them time. Being present and available.

So how do Zodiac signs show their affection?

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Zodiac Signs Love Aries

They will compliment you.

Aries shows affection by challenging you. They will compete with you, such as a one-on-one tennis game, an outdoor adventure trip or even a board game. Aries like competing and think this as a positive way to interact without being flirting in an obvious way.

They may blurt out how they feel about you at random and sometimes inappropriate times. But if they’re feeling something for you, and you don’t seem to be understanding it by that race they challenged you to. They will tell you directly.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Zodiac Signs Love Taurus

They make sure everyone knows that you are close. 

A Taurus shows affection through touch and sweet gestures. It may take them a very long time to verbalize it, but they’ll let you know in the way they give you a squeeze, or they might give you a hug before you’re about to do something that frightens you.

If you’re going through a rough patch in life, they’ll bring you flowers or cook you a delicious dinner or take you out for dinner.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

They want to do anything to take care of you.

Zodiac Signs Love Gemini

Geminis are the most verbal of the zodiac signs, so if you listen, they’ll let you know how much they care about you through their words and how interested they are in what you have to say.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Zodiac Sign Love Cancer
Happy young couple having fun at music festival.

They will get awkward when you are near

Cancers will praise you and make you feel so special it will be clear they have feelings for you. Cancers are very affectionate, and they show it in many different ways. They will listen to you, they will take care of you when you’re sick. They will be your number one cheerleader, and they will remember the things you like and get them for you.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Zodiac Signs Love Leo

They just act like you’re already together

Leos show their affection through their total indulgence in you. If you love something, no matter how far he has to get it from Leo will pick it up for you. Leos are very supportive and will be there whenever you need them. They are also fabulous at gift-giving, so even if it’s not your birthday, they may surprise you with the perfect gift that will make you wonder how they know you so well.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Zodiac Signs Love Virgo

They try to play it (too) cool.

Virgos way is simple they observe what you need and then give it to you. If you’ve cannot get your lamp fixed, Virgo will fix it. Virgos are there when you’re not feeling good, and there when you’re on top of the world, they are usually let you free when things are going normal. If a Virgo wants to show you affection, they may not be overly demonstrative.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Zodiac Signs Love Libra

They will put you under a spell.

Libras can show love in a number of ways. They may buy you flowers, cook you dinner, write you sweet texts just to tell you that they’re thinking of you. They may even give you a silly nickname, that’s a sign of affection for them. Since Libras are naturally charming it may be difficult to tell the difference between them being gracious and them being affectionate, but if there’s a slightly flirty quality to what they say, they’re being affectionate.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

Zodiac Signs Love Scorpio

They will ask questions, a lot of them.

Scorpios show their affection by being very sensitive. They know what you need, and before you know, they will it for you. They’re also very sexual and will often say something ambiguous so you won’t know if they’re coming on to you or just being friendly.

If you’re in a relationship with them, they’ll most likely want some kind of contact at all times, even if it’s just holding hands or just touching you.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Zodiac Sign Love Sagittarius

They will make sarcastic jokes

Sagittarius shows their affection in the way that they will always remember when it’s your birthday and they will always do something special for it. They take you along on one of their adventure trips or involve you in the planning.

Sagittarius loves communication so they will probably send you a Facebook message, email, text, and call you quite often, just to make sure you know that they miss you and are thinking about you.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Zodiac Signs Love Capricorn

They will seem unsure of themselves

Capricorns aren’t affectionate in the traditional sense, and it may take them some time to warm up to you. But when they are devoted, they’re impossible to distract. Once they get to know you or “interviewed you,” so to speak and have decided you are the real estate they want, you will know it. They’ll make their love clear with a serious conversation and you’ll know that they’re not kidding. One of the major ways that they show affection is their thoughtfulness and consideration. They’ll make dinner reservations for you or get tickets to see your favorite band or may even plan a whole weekend trip for you.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Zodiac Signs Love Aquarius

They will prioritize spending time with you

Aquarius focus on you is almost like a lightning bolt, it’s so sharp and unexpected, you are at once amazed and almost overwhelmed. Aquariuses are objectively the least confusing potential partners. If they aren’t interested, you’ll know. If they are… you’ll know. They tend to be a bit sarcastic and their teasing can sometimes come off as a little hurtful, but that’s not their intention. If an Aquarius shares their favorite music with you, even if it’s not something you’d normally listen to, that’s them being affectionate.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Zodiac Signs Love

They will like to talk to you incessantly.

The real way a Pisces shows interest is by channeling their feelings into some kind of artful expression. Don’t be surprised if they write a song about you or draw a cartoon based on a story about yourself that you once told them Pisces is naturally affectionate. They will talk to you about nothing and everything, send memes and 3 a.m. texts. A Pisces who wants to communicate with you a lot is a Pisces who is into you.

The other tip: If a Pisces loves you, they may find it tough to speak at all at first. But once they get to know you, they’ll be chattier than any Gemini you’ve ever met.

Read more about Sun Signs

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